27 Struggles All Midwesterners Will Understand

    Two seasons. You know the deal.

    1. RAPIDLY changing elevation.

    2. Being friends with your blood rivals.

    3. Knowing that going outside means living with — never escaping — the mosquitoes.

    4. (Seriously. We just have to accept it.)

    5. The swiftly-changing whims of your local DQ.

    6. Watching your car and house turn into an icicle death trap.

    7. The text alerts.

    8. Losing your ball.

    9. Having to translate for everyone else.

    10. Deciding what to drink with your beer chips.

    11. Planning for how the weather could be five minutes from now.

    12. Deciding how and when you can incorporate tater tots.

    13. Trying to figure out where you are from the plane.

    14. Getting stuck behind this.

    15. Or this.

    16. No seriously, the geese can be a problem.

    17. Meeting people who don't know about Kaukauna.

    18. That this picture was taken in May.

    19. All the protesting.

    20. Waiting.

    21. The dashed dreams.

    22. Knowing where your nearest makeshift tornado shelter is.

    23. Parking.

    24. The temptation to impulse-buy the gas station beer/cheese/toilet paper combo.

    25. Living with the fact that the rest of the country doesn't know about Leinie's.

    26. Flying under the radar.

    27. Leaving.