15 Things All Online Shopping Addicts Understand

    Omg another sale!

    1. Having to unsubscribe from store emails because the temptation is just too great.

    2. Staying in seven nights in a row to justify ordering those things that have been sitting in your online cart for days.

    3. Deciding it's "practical" to buy that shirt in four colors so you can meet the free shipping minimum.

    4. You justify your habit by telling everyone you could have MUCH worse ones.

    5. Your first thought each time you see that paycheck deposit:

    6. Treating yourself to online shopping each time you get broken up with. Or have a bad date. Or a bad day.

    7. Feeling like it's your birthday every time a fresh, unopened paper packet or box arrives in the mail.

    8. Wanting the gorgeous, designer, celebrity-worn version of something and having to settle for the knockoff.

    9. Spending hours piecing together outfits you can Pretty Woman someone in.

    10. You've memorized the dates of all your favorite stores' online sales.

    11. That feeling when there's something you're waiting to buy and you're afraid it'll sell out in time and it takes over your life.

    12. Trying to decide which size you should be based off the very tiny bodies you see wearing the clothes on the site.

    13. The adrenaline rush in ordering a pair of shoes online, getting them, and finding out they (miraculously!) fit.

    14. Getting something in the mail you don't recognize and don't fully remember ordering.

    15. Realizing you buy a lot of stuff for someone who mostly sits home and buys stuff.