21 Times We Were Jealous Of Laura Vandervoort's Life On Instagram

    The Bitten star is taking a real bite out of life.

    1. When even her comfy selfies were flawless.

    2. When her Canadian Thanksgiving gave us cottage envy.

    3. When she rooted for the home team.

    4. When she looked bloody gorgeous during her Bitten photo shoot.

    5. When she showed serious guts.

    6. When she went on safari and was still one of the most beautiful creatures around.

    7. When she knew the importance of a good Canadian whisky.

    8. When she rocked Christmas socks AND animal slippers.

    9. When her casual holiday style still looked straight out of a magazine.

    10. When she knew that any tropical vacation needs a coconut drink.

    11. When she hung out with LUKE EFFING PERRY.

    12. Oh, and when she was literally in Joseph Gordon-Levitt's arms, NBD.

    13. When she took a much-needed break with her baby.

    14. When she worked out like a beast at the gym (and brought a smaller beast with her for support).

    15. When she pulled off a badass red wig with ease.

    16. When she took things a little too literally (with awesome results).

    17. When she knew that age is just a number.

    18. When she looked like a combination of Black Swan and Imperator Furiosa.

    19. When she perfected the Coachella selfie.

    20. When she was the prettiest axe-thrower around.

    21. And when she made even wisdom teeth surgery look good.