22 Reasons Your Bike Is Your Eternal Soulmate

    My dil goes vrooommm. ♬ ♪

    1. Growing up, all that you ever wanted was a bike you could call your own.

    2. And several years later you finally got it, the little child in you danced with glee.

    3. You will never forget the sight when the dealer wheeled the bike to you and handed you the keys.

    4. The sound of the engine coming to life makes you smile every single time.

    5. Despite owning it for years now, you still love to show off your beautiful beast.

    6. Even though there are newer models, you're 100% confident that your bike is ~the best~ model ever.

    7. The only kebab-mein-haddi in your love story is the traffic signal.

    8. You know your bike is singing you a sweet song each time you accelerate.

    9. Plans that involve you, your bike and riding aimlessly on beautiful roads is something you never have, and never will back out of.

    10. The wind in your face, hugging you, disconnecting you from the world is a feeling only a biker will understand.

    11. Weekends spent just cruising around are the best kinds of weekends to you.

    12. You may have a car, but you always choose your bike wherever possible.

    13. A secret no one knows is that when your bike wouldn't start, you've had a pep talk with her, telling her that you love her no matter what.

    14. This is where you could basically shop all day:

    15. This is your favourite sight:

    16. And nothing makes you happier than this:

    17. Your heart aches a little for the days you have to leave your bike at the service station.

    18. And whenever you went to get it back from servicing, you couldn't wait to ride away with it.

    19. Whenever someone asks to ride the bike, your immediate thought is, "No."

    20. But you give them the keys anyway after a 15 minute interrogation of "Will you ride safely?," "Will you be careful?"

    21. You love your bike immensely and know that when all else fails, it's going to be there for you to take you on a joyride.

    22. And you may have relationships and significant others, but your bike will always be your No. 1.