11 Reasons People Are Just Like Golas

    Tan gola, mann gola, re gola. ♪ ♫

    1. Some appear to be mean and dangerous but are actually massive sweethearts.

    2. Some are a perfect blend of the good and the bad.

    3. Some wear their identity with pride.

    4. Some like to wear their riches.

    5. And others like to be classy.

    6. Some find happiness in simplicity.

    7. While others carry intoxicating secrets.

    8. Some like to live it larger than life.

    9. And some don't like being held by the canes.

    10. At the end of the day each person is a wholesome and colourful burst of flavours.

    11. And they will bring colour and flavour in your life no matter what.

    So which gola are you?