12 Ways Los Angeles Spoils You Rotten

    Everyday is your birthday when you live in sunny L.A.

    1. Weather like in the movies, because it is the weather that is in the movies.

    2. Awesome concerts where you can eat and drink and enjoy them UNDER THE STARS!

    3. A cornucopia of cuisine that will ruin you for other cities.

    4. A plethora of beautiful, albeit freezing, beaches.

    5. Mountains just a hop, skip, and a jump away.

    6. An embarrassment of riches when it comes to professional sports.

    7. College sports that muster the same enthusiasm as professional sports.

    8. Compared to NYC, getting WAAAAAY more bang for your buck when it comes to renting/owning property.

    9. The ability to work off all those kale smoothies by hiking great trails WITHIN the city limits.

    10. The glory that is the outdoor mall.

    11. Being able to drive to Disneyland in about 45 minutes.

    12. The fact that no matter how long you live here, there will always be something new to explore.