15 Things No One Wants To Hear Men Complain About

    Because women don't care about your "latex allergy."

    1. "Why do I have to wear a condom? Isn't that what the pill is for?"

    2. "What's so wrong with telling random women on the street how attractive I think they are? It's a compliment."

    3. "I hate when women breastfeed in public."

    4. "You're just gonna leave me with blue balls?"

    5. "Why do women treat periods like they're a big deal? It's just cramps."

    6. "Are you really going to eat all that?"

    7. "Why can't I tell a woman on the street to smile?"

    8. "Why do you have to take so long to shop?"

    9. "I don't know why but all my exes are CRAZY."

    10. "Why do girls wear certain clothes if they don't want me to look?"

    11. "Shaving your face is just as bad as shaving your legs."

    12. "Why wear heels if you're just gonna take them off later 'cuz your feet hurt?"

    13. "Why can't I say, 'We're pregnant'? My partner's pregnancy is just as hard on me."

    :: slams head on desk repeatedly ::

    14. "I can't believe any woman would have anything other than a natural birth."

    15. "Why can't I have an opinion on women's issues?"