The Fake Aaron Rodgers Meeting Real Aaron Rodgers Is Hilarious

    One comedian + one Packers hoodie = Super Bowl XLV MVP

    In the short film Aaron Rodgers meets Tom Wrigglesworth, British comedian Tom Wrigglesworth travels from Sheffield, England, to Green Bay, Wisconsin, to meet his dopplegänger.

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    All he has to do is put on a Packers hoodie and – BAM – instant Aaron Rodgers.

    He even convinces the locals that he just might be the man himself.

    But no one is more shocked at the likeness than Wrigglesworth.

    It really is uncanny.

    Leon Halip / Getty Images / Via
    Leon Halip / Getty Images / Via
    Leon Halip / Getty Images / Via

    Unfortunately, that is where the similarities end. Now Go Pack Go!