15 Problems Only People From Sunnydale Understand

    Come for the weather, slay for the friends.

    1. The fact that the term "necking" takes on a whole new meaning.

    2. Finally getting a decent teacher, only to attend their funeral shortly after.

    3. When you were about to tell your crush you were into them, then these dickheads came to town.

    4. Watching a cool band play at The Bronze, only to get interrupted two songs in by another vampire attack.

    5. Being excited for Halloween, then remembering the possibility of actually becoming whatever it is you dressed as.

    6. Having to use the public library in high school since the school's was ALWAYS CLOSED.

    What the hell was going on in there, anyway?

    7. Graduation is always TBD.

    All I wanted was my diploma, was that too much too ask? My grandparents flew in just to see me walk, for chrissake! But noooooo! The principal had to go and get eaten!

    8. Stopping by The Magic Box to buy your hippie aunt a candle for her birthday, and finding these two arguing.

    9. Always being wary of people who insist on being invited in.

    10. The sad fact that when someone you know dies, there's a 50/50 chance they will come back from the dead.

    11. LOL doing anything at night.

    12. No place is safe, not even the internet.

    Playgrounds? Deadly? Frozen yogurt place? Deadlier. Puppy store? Instant death.

    13. After awhile, seeing demons, werewolves, vampires, etc. becomes second nature.

    14. If it weren't for all the amenities, there is no way you would stay in Sunnydale.

    15. No one believing you when you claim you and Buffy had a thing.