24 Problems Only People Who Have A Hard Time Falling Asleep Understand

    Instead of counting sheep you're better off counting yourself out of ever sleeping again.

    1. The dreaded leaky faucet.

    2. The pestilence that is someone else snoring.

    3. Hearing a car alarm in the middle of the night.

    Now you're not only awake but worried that your car is broken into.

    4. Being woken up righhhht when you were finally falling asleep.

    5. Having to invest in sleep masks and blackout curtains.

    6. Hearing the sound of lawnmowers on weekend mornings.

    7. Hearing strange noises and worrying what they could be.

    8. The temptation that is starting a movie late at night.

    9. Going on a trip and forgetting your ear plugs.

    10. Stupid birds and their stupid chirping.

    11. Falling asleep in random places during the day.

    12. Fighting the urge to pee because you are so close to falling asleep.

    13. Needing more than one alarm clock because you are constantly sleeping through them.

    14. When someone gives unsolicited advice about how you can sleep better.

    15. Not sleeping with the A/C on because you know the hum will keep you up.

    16. Trash day, in general.

    17. Trying every position possible to get comfortable.

    18. Trying different noise cancelling machines to no avail.

    19. Knowing that the best sleep is had when it's raining outside, but then being kept up by it hitting against the window.


    20. Suddenly remembering you forgot to do something, like plug in your phone or lock the front door.

    21. Searching for that weird beep in the middle of the night.

    22. Rustling of any kind.

    23. Knowing you have to get up early but your brain just won't shut off.

    24. Being super jealous of people who don't have this problem and are quick to tell you exactly that.