24 Major Decisions All Thirtysomethings Will Face

    "Is it baby time yet?"

    1. If you should move somewhere cheaper.

    2. If you should go back to school.

    3. Which weddings to attend and which ones you shouldn't.

    4. Whether or not to bring a date to that wedding.

    5. If you should get married.

    6. If you can still pull off certain clothing styles.

    7. If you should start looking out for your health more.

    8. Whether or not you should take that trip.

    9. If you should attend your 15 or 20 year high school reunion.

    10. If it is alright to splurge on things you don't really need.

    11. Whose side to choose when your married friends divorce.

    12. If you should buy some property or invest in something.

    13. Whether or not to have that next drink.

    14. If you should see that band you used to love.

    15. If you should cut the cord and just do streaming.

    16. If you should cut back on your favorite foods from your twenties.

    17. If you should see a doctor about that thing.

    18. If you should bring one bottle of nice wine to that dinner party or two bottles of cheap stuff.

    19. Also, wondering if you can get away with wearing sweatpants to said dinner party.

    20. Deciding if it is too late to switch career paths.

    21. Whether to sever those less than great relationships, especially the romantic ones.

    22. If you should block your friends who keep posting pics of their kids.

    23. If you should have a kid.

    24. If you should just stop giving a shit about what other people think of you.