23 Things Husbands Say Vs. What They Really Mean

    Sorry, wives of the world.

    1. "Of course I was listening."

    2. "That wasn't me."

    3. "What do you want to do now?"

    4. "Yes, I'm fine."

    5. "Sure, I'd love to join you on a diet."

    6. "I'd love to have (random cousin I've never met) stay with us for a weekend."

    7. "Are you tired?"

    8. "Can you believe what that woman is wearing?"

    9. "Don't worry, I'll deal with the spider."

    10. "Yes, that looks great on you."

    11. "Do I find her attractive? Eh, not really my type."

    12. "I actually don't like strip clubs."

    13. "Here, let me Google that for you."

    14. "Those towels will look perfect in the bathroom."

    15. "If that's what you wanna do."

    16. "What do you want to do for our anniversary?"

    17. "Do we have to go to that wedding?"

    18. Real Housewives again?

    19. "I don't care where we eat."

    20. "I'll take out the trash in a minute."

    21. "Am I getting fat?"

    22. "Wow, you look really stunning right now."

    23. "I love you."