22 Stories Of People's First Orgasms

    ♫ It feels like the very first time ♫

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the stories of their very first orgasms. Here are some of the sexiest, awkwardest, and most hilarious responses:

    1. She ran up the water bill.

    2. He went for a ride.

    3. She used her noodle.

    4. It took a pregnancy.

    5. There was a pole involved.

    6. She stopped caring.

    7. Pink Floyd made it happen.

    8. He had to pee.

    9. She thought she peed herself.

    10. She burst out laughing.

    11. She watched queer porn.

    12. The shower head came into play.

    13. She had her first orgasm a week ago and cried.

    14. There was an electric toothbrush.

    15. He did the worm.

    16. She bought a vibrator.

    17. She had just about given up hope.

    18. It involved a vibrating pen.

    19. She got a little high.

    20. The Backstreet Boys may have been a catalyst.

    21. No one told him about ejaculation.

    22. She found a fun new hobby.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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