What Girls With Bitchface Look Like Vs. What They're Actually Thinking

    The eyes are definitely not the windows to the soul.

    On the outside: when entering a party and not knowing anyone.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when making eye contact with someone cute.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when walking away after finally talking to a crush.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when going out drinking with friends.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when having someone open up to you.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when reuniting with a friend you haven't seen in a while.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when giving an important presentation.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when seeing a celebrity you love.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when losing something important.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when listening to your friends' latest gossip.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when being flirted with.

    On the inside:

    On the outside: when feeling like the queen.

    On the inside: