17 Sizzling Facts About Attraction

    Birth control can be a total game changer.

    1. Going on birth control can change who you're attracted to.

    2. And starting or stopping birth control while in a relationship can make you lose interest in your partner.

    3. Androstenol, a chemical found in fresh male sweat, is a pheromone that attracts women to men.

    4. Men apparently feel a decrease in sexual attraction from the scent of tears.

    5. People prefer symmetrical faces in partners because it is unconsciously believed that they have better genetics.

    6. And sunglasses add both symmetry and mystery to your face, making you more attractive.

    7. Bearded men are viewed as more responsible and healthy.

    8. Hearing emotional lines like “I love you” have a stronger impact when whispered in the left ear versus the right.

    9. Women's voices tend to get higher pitched around people they like.

    10. Sometimes "chill-inducing" music can turn you on more than your partner's touch.

    11. Wearing red or similarly warm, bright colors changes how you're perceived sexually.

    12. Your current perception on racy images can predict your sexual activity six months from now.

    13. Your parents' age when they had you determines which faces you find attractive.

    14. If you're attracted to someone who looks similar to you, it's because you unconsciously trust them.

    15. Smiling women are found more attractive, while men who don't smile as much are perceived as hotter than men who smile a lot.

    16. Men tend to go for faces strongly associated with gender.

    17. Staring into a stranger’s eyes can make you form an attachment, despite never even talking to them.