This Couple Got Engaged After Doing This Classic Love Experiment

    "The questions were a big catalyst to our bonding."

    Washington, D.C.-based couple Alice and Jimmy met online on Jan. 14 and went on their first date shortly after.

    Around the same time, the New York Times published a viral article where a woman tried a love experiment that involves answering 36 questions and staring into a partner's eyes for four minutes.

    Inspired by the article, a bunch of BuzzFeed staffers tried the same experiment.

    So, after reading the BuzzFeed post, Alice and Jimmy decided to give the experiment a try on their second date.

    By the third date, they were already in love. By June, they had moved in together and met each other's parents.

    Now, almost six months later, they are engaged and happily awaiting their wedding.

    "We haven't received one 'Isn't this too fast?' comment. I think our love for each other is confident and really shows," Alice told BuzzFeed.

    "On the first date I knew he was different and was pretty sure I was going to marry him. But on the second date, after the questions I knew I was in trouble. He was it. He is it."

    Congrats, Alice and Jimmy!!!