17 Cats Who Understand Your Feelings About The Blizzard

    The weather outside is far from purrfect </3.

    1. This cat who literally doesn't understand how there could be INFINITE SNOW.

    2. This cat who just wants to go to brunch!

    3. This cat who has that one annoyingly enthusiastic friend who needs to CALM DOWN.

    4. This cat who is never not shocked by how icy cold snow is.

    5. This cat, who is bravely driving despite the many road weather warnings.

    6. This cat who underestimated just how deep that first step would go.

    7. This cat who genuinely wanted to give walking in the snow a try but...naaaaah.

    8. This cat who was determined to go out, but at what cost???

    9. And this cat who took about 45 minutes to walk three blocks.

    10. This cat who almost avoided black ice...almost.

    11. This cat who dropped their phone and actually can't find it.

    12. This cat who is watching their travel plans slowly crumble into the abyss.

    13. This cat who just realized they didn't go grocery shopping.

    14. This cat who will pretty much die if they go outside.

    15. This cat who has fully succumbed to the winter.

    16. This cat who regrets everything that ever led up to this moment.

    17. Or maybe you're like this cat, who just decided to make the best of it.

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