10 Film And TV Characters Who Lived Alone

    In honor of friend of BuzzFeed, Eric Klinenberg's book "Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone" hitting store shelves today here are 10 of your favorite characters from film and tv who chose to "go solo."

    1. C.C. Baxter - "The Apartment"

    2. Ron Swanson - "Parks and Recreation"

    3. Moe Szyslak - "The Simpsons"

    4. Holly Golightly - "Breakfast At Tiffany's"

    5. Barney Stinson - "How I Met Your Mother"

    6. Jerry - "Seinfeld"

    7. Liz Lemon - "30 Rock"

    8. Lester Bangs - "Almost Famous"

    9. Carrie Bradshaw - "Sex And The City"

    10. Larry Sanders