18 Things Who Are On Their Way To Steal Yo Man

    ...And your other personal belongings, probably.

    1. Bugs Bunny is on his way to steal yo girl.

    2. This cat's on his way to steal yo food.

    3. This dapper gent is on his way to steal yo lycra.

    4. On his way to steal yo man.

    5. On his way to steal yo goggles.

    6. On her way to steal yo pokeballs.

    7. On his way to steal yo candy.

    8. On his way to steal yo lady.

    9. On her way to steal yo kibbles.

    10. He's also on his way to steal yo girl.

    11. On his way to steal yo pink flamingo garden ornament.

    12. Lock up yo men, this kitty's coming for them.

    13. Better keep an eye on yo girl, this badass is on the prowl.

    14. Not even your garbage is safe.

    "On my way to steal ur girl, and also eat her garbage"

    15. This pup wants yo girl and he's on his way to get her.

    16. 1890s kids better watch out for this lothario.

    17. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It's me on my way to steal yo girl.

    Me on my way to steal your girl ” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭

    18. Lock. Yo. Shit. Down. He's coming for it.