26 Country Problems City Folk Will Never Understand

    Sheep just got real.

    1. Sheep who invade your land in increasingly flamboyant ways.

    Another pic of the showjumping ewe who clears a high fence in order to spend the day in my garden. #countryproblems

    2. Sheep who tell all their friends about this great new place they've found and it turns out to be your garden.

    Sheep just chilling in my garden haha #countryproblems

    3. Aggressive horses.

    Took the dog out, got legged by horses. #countryproblems

    4. Oblivious chickens.

    Chickens with no sense of impending doom #countryproblems

    5. Horses who care about you and just want you to put the credit card down.

    6. Lairy owls.

    Theres an owl kicking off outside my window. Annoying #CountrysideProblems

    7. Who have absolutely no respect for your personal space.

    8. Surprise milkmen.

    The fucking milk man just scared the shit out of me. Thought we were being robbed! Why is he around at this time?! #countrysideproblems

    9. Aggressive territorial geese.

    Oh yes, meant to show you this the other day, made me laugh. Postie couldn't get to the front door #Countryproblems

    10. Village hooligans.

    Who changed the village sign from Tingewick to Mingelick #countryproblems

    11. The decline of the print publishing industry and its effect on readers.

    "the parish magazine is going up by 10p" cries one lady in the village - cue village wild outrage and panic #countryproblems

    12. How it's impossible to get a signal anywhere.

    13. Especially when alternative options are limited.

    14. And even the squirrels are conspiring against you.

    Finally got some internet, squirrels had chewed through the BT wire. #countrysideproblems

    15. Local bees running amok.

    Just had a beekeeper knock on the door due to a queen & swarm trying to settle in a tree on the drive, twas unexpected. #countrysideproblems

    16. Rowdy neighbours.

    Fecking farmers doing all there fecking farming shenanigans at 3 in the fecking morning. Stopping me from sleeping...#countrysideproblems

    17. Pets who want to send you a warning.

    The epitome of owning pets whilst living in the countryside :'( #countryproblems

    18. Thrilling local politics.

    My local newspaper is so boring, the most exciting news is that some ladies have started a knitting club #countrysideproblems

    19. Roads that occasionally moonlight as rivers.

    No visiting Brockham #countrysideproblems

    20. Bulls who pop by to check up on you but just won't leave.

    There's a bull in the garden! #countryproblems

    21. Petty larceny.

    22. Bad traffic.

    Terrible traffic this morn #countryproblems

    23. Really bad traffic.

    My bus just got stuck following a tractor #countryproblems

    24. Inconsiderate pheasants.

    Going anywhere takes twice as long at the moment #devon #countryproblems

    25. The occasional face-off with a bull.

    26. Undercover potatoes.

    Just went really out of my way to not run a hedgehog over, it was a potato. #countrysideproblems