Celebrate Burns Night With These Amazing Haggis Pops

    What better way to celebrate Burns Night in 2015 than by giving Haggis a Pinterest twist?

    It's Burns Night - which means that today is the perfect day to eat sheep innards wrapped in stomach and served on a stick - or Haggis Pops, as the inventor calls them.

    Instructables user Penfold Plant - who also invented the mobius bacon strip - has put together a step-by-step guide on how to make these Pinterest perfect treats.

    The entire recipe is a treat to read, even if you have no plan to actually make the pops yourself.

    It contains useful and fascinating information on how to clean out a sheep's stomach, the best way to truly enjoy the beauty of sheep's lungs, and which cartilage tubes to remove when preparing offal for consumption.

    Happy Burns Night everyone!