For Everyone Who Constantly Spills Food On Themselves

    You're not alone. It's time to rise up and spill proudly as one.

    Everyone has something they're really good at.

    Some people are just really good at spilling food on themselves.

    Or on others.

    When it comes to eating, you are Fat Joe and/or Lil Wayne and the food is this money.

    Walking around all day like gahhhhhh.

    Napkins are your copilot.

    You just put a napkin on your lap and pray.

    But they really need to make napkins like this.

    Why are these the ONLY times when a bib is socially acceptable?

    It's not fair.

    This SEEMS like a lifesaver, but it's no match for your high caliber, expert level of spillage.

    You know deep down this is a hopeless exercise.

    At least people are super helpful.

    These are all potential nicknames you could have:

    Whoopsy McShirt-Stain

    Spilly Von Clothes-Ruiner

    The Human Napkin

    Missed-Your-Mouth McGillicutty

    Oops! McMustard

    Lil' Splatters

    Micky "Saving It For Later" Johnson

    Old Soup Pants

    The odds of spilling when wearing new clothes go up to 100%.

    Wearing white is for other people.

    Another awesome shirt taken out of the game.

    But we don't have to let this defeat us.

    It's time to destigmatize visible stains.

    Turn the stain of shame...

    Into a badge of honor.

    Spillin' and proud.

    This is awesome.

    This is fine.

    Totally fine.

    Lookin' dope.

    She's mad jealous.

    Hell yeah!

    Can I get a what-what?

    Get it, get it.

    Spillers out.