13 Extremely Frustrating Things You'll Only Understand If You Play QuizUp


    1. When someone texts you in the middle of a question and causes you to miss:

    2. When your friend beats you in a category that's directly related to your full-time job:

    3. When someone who just kicked your ass asks for a rematch:

    4. When you miss a CRUCIAL Name the Flag:

    5. When someone beats you in General Knowledge, but only because you got LOUSY FREAKIN' QUESTIONS:

    6. When you go against your instinct and pick an answer, but the correct answer WAS your first guess:

    7. When you reached one micro-sliver of XP short of advancing to the next level:

    8. When your friend who's in med school challenges you in Biology:

    9. When someone asks if they can try a round using your screenname:

    10. When you realized you had to earn new titles instead of typing in whatever you want:

    11. When someone tries to start a conversation with you IN THE MIDDLE OF A ROUND:

    12. When you legit hit a wrong answer only because your finger slipped!

    13. When you get a push notification that your ex joined QuizUp: