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    14 Almost Daily Occurrences All Athletic Girls Will Immediately Understand

    We like to play sports and go adventuring; no we're not boys.

    1. Not being able to find jeans that fit, EVER

    2. Loving being outside, mud and all

    3. Trying to Use Stairs After a Tough Run/Workout/Game/Lift

    4. Loving heels and hiking boots (and cleats and sneakers) in equal parts.

    5. Always playing Sporty Spice in Spice Girls group costumes

    6. Getting Weird, Confused, or Creepy Looks from boys in the weight room

    And all you want to do is lift in peace

    7. Touting around a larger than normal butt

    But we're still pretty proud of it because of this Nike Ad:

    8. Picking out workout clothes is like a Religious Experience

    9. Channeling our emotions into the game

    10. Your roommate hating you for leaving smelly/sweaty clothes or shoes around the apartment

    11. Not being able to workout because your uterus has decided you are enemy #1

    12. Ice baths.

    13. Missing out on fun stuff because you have to go to practice, usually at the butt crack of dawn

    And your friends tell you to come "next time"

    14. Being told you should let the men carry all the heavy things because you are far too delicate