27 Times "The Emperor's New Groove" Totally Got You


    1. When you know you need to start eating healthy but you're not quite sure how.

    2. When you get your squad together for a night out.

    3. When someone in the club gets in your space as you're doing the "Single Ladies" dance.

    4. When your Facebook feed is full of people you went to high school with sharing their political opinions.

    5. When you have to walk home from the station in the rain because it's a few days until pay day and you can't afford a cab.

    6. What you envisage when people ask where you see yourself in five years.

    7. When you're drunk in the cab ride home.

    8. When the pizza delivery guy rings your doorbell.

    9. When you look great in the mirror but your selfies all make you look like a thumb.

    10. When you order a drink at 7.01pm but still get charged Happy Hour prices.

    11. When you go to a fancy event and you feel very out of place.

    12. When you hear teens talking about aesthetic and you have no idea what it means.

    13. When someone talks to you about superannuation and contents insurance.

    14. When you turn 23.

    15. When someone asks if you have plans tonight.

    16. When someone gets in your personal space on the train.

    17. When you cancel your plans and settle in for a night of Netflix and pizza.

    18. And when you leave the house after a two-day Netflix binge.

    19. When your grandma asks when you're going to start having kids.

    20. When you drop half your paycheck on a new outfit and you look hot AF.

    21. When you get a particularly bad brand of boxed wine.

    22. When you think of all the money you could have if it weren't for student loans.

    23. When you forget to buy dry shampoo but don't have time to wash your hair.

    24. When you see that your friend needs help escaping a guy at the bar but you pretend you don't see and hightail it outside.

    25. When your Tinder date rocks up and you realise that you went to primary school together.

    26. When you look at a bottle of vodka.

    27. And when you go to a new hipster bar and all the bartenders are too busy comparing their ironic tattoos to serve you.