• Mardi Gras 2016 badge

43 People Share The Best Part Of Being LGBT+

From boobs to dicks and everything in between.

BuzzFeed Oz went along to this year's Sydney Mardi Gras Fair Day to ask people what is their favourite thing about being LGBT+. We got some interesting answers...

Some people were straight to the point...

...and even dressed for the occasion.

This guy wasn't shy in sharing what he loves.

These cuties melted our hearts.

In fact, many people used the opportunity to be goddamn adorable.

Awwwwww. ❤️

Couple goals.

While some were more about ~sharing the love~.

Many people love the inclusiveness that comes from the LGBT+ community.

And the wonderful people you meet.

Because you can just be yourself...

...and love every minute of it.


Some wear their pride on their shirts.

And know just how great it is to make out with a girl.

Everyone was fabulous.

And happy to celebrate their love.

Because it's a beautiful, accepting community.

UPDATE: A photo has been removed from this post at the request of the person in it.