• Mental Health Week badge

17 Graphs That Are Too Real For Everyone With Social Anxiety

If you leave me alone at a party, our friendship is over.

1. Who can have social anxiety:

2. How you spend your time at a party:

3. And when that one friend disappears into the crowd, leaving you to fend for yourself:

4. Though you probably weren't going to last long there anyway:

5. When you get a text message from someone you're not very close with:

6. What you're probably doing when you're with a friend and they run into someone they know:

7. When hanging out with friends:

8. When you see an acquaintance coming toward you on the street:

9. When you're called on in a meeting at work:

10. Things you think about before falling asleep:

11. Everyday things that give you anxiety:

12. When you're at a bar:

13. What you do when you're surrounded by people:

14. Thoughts you have while having a conversation with someone:

15. When you're at a social function for work:

16. Your thoughts on a Friday afternoon:

17. And things that you're so goddamn sick of hearing: