22 Reasons Why Seahorses Are The Most Badass Creatures In The Ocean

    You should see them just squirting out babies.

    1. It is a fact that can no longer be denied. Seahorses are the coolest damn animals on the planet.

    2. Did you know that MALE seahorses are the ones to get pregnant?

    3. This is how the female transfers her eggs to the male.

    4. And then they can give birth to UP TO 2,500 BABY SEAHORSES!

    5. Look at him just squirting out his babies.

    6. And the babies are TINY.

    7. Pygmy seahorses don't ever get longer than about an inch when fully grown.

    8. Some seahorses look really damn cool.

    9. They like to blend in with their surroundings.

    10. And they're hella good at camouflage.

    11. "Snoot snoot motherfuckers. I bet you can't see me."

    12. Though sometimes they're quite the opposite of subtle.

    13. They like to hang out and link tails when they swim around together.

    14. Awwww it's like they're holding hands!

    15. When they're resting, they like to curl their tail around coral or another plant so they don't float away.

    16. They come in some very cool colours.

    17. This guy's just showing off.

    18. They're so chill. They are actually the slowest moving fish in the ocean.

    19. But because of their odd body shape and slow speed, they often die of exhaustion in particularly stormy waters :( .

    20. As they have no teeth and no stomach, they must constantly eat to stay alive. Some seahorses can eat more than 3,000 brine shrimp A DAY.

    21. They're super sneaky. They can move each of their eyes independently, so they can watch everything going on around them without being noticed.

    22. So, apologies to every other marine creature. Seahorses are the coolest. You should just be happy with the privilege of sharing the ocean with them.