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23 Things All Obsessive "Harry Potter" Fans Have Definitely Done

Don't deny it, you've tried to Apparate.

1. Casually leaned against a brick wall at a train station in the hope that it'd be the portal to a wizarding platform.

2. Spun on the spot, thinking *destination, determination, deliberation* as hard as you could, hoping you'd be able to apparate.

3. Tried to use "accio" when you were feeling particularly lazy.

4. Used a wand-like object as a wand and tried to cast spells.

5. Reenacted an entire scene from the movies... by yourself.

6. Ran around the house with a broomstick pretending that you're playing Quidditch.

7. Spent more time than you'd care to admit wondering what Butterbeer actually tastes like.

8. Mentally sorted people into Hogwarts houses.

9. Either gotten, or considered getting a Harry Potter- themed tattoo.

10. Named a pet after a character.

11. Gotten into huge debates about Snape, Dumbledore or even the Fat Lady.

12. Dressed up at least once for a midnight premiere.

13. Found a way to wear a Harry Potter costume to a party with a totally unrelated theme.

14. Spent way too long making potions on Pottermore.

15. Baked a cake on the 31st of July.

16. Observed a minute's silence on the 2nd of May.

17. Baked cookies and pretended you were mixing ingredients in potions class.

18. Dreamed about spending Christmas at Hogwarts.

19. Read some very questionable fan fiction - or written it.

20. Convinced your parents to let you sleep in the cupboard under the stairs.

21. Really considered getting a pet owl.

22. Gone to a Harry Potter convention or meetup.

23. And made actual IRL and internet friends from your love of the series.