Can You Make It Through This Post Without Saying "Goals"?

    OMG goals.

    1. This genius engineer.

    2. This reason to do squats.

    3. This excellent way to get what you want.

    4. This ideal Sunday morning.

    5. This leader of the squad.

    6. This motto which we should all live by.

    7. These bunnies who are going places.

    8. This unnecessary number of electronics.

    9. This wine mom who know what's up.

    10. This family love.

    11. This confusing inspiration.

    12. This casual photoshoot.

    13. This amazing business card.

    14. This demand.

    15. This stellar life choice.

    16. This extravagant lifestyle.

    17. This summer life hack.

    18. This old woman living her best life.

    19. This seagull who clearly dgaf.

    20. This way to make yourself always feel superior.

    21. And this, which should be everybody's aim in life.