18 "Kath & Kim" Quotes That'll Make You Laugh Every Time

    "Does it make me a crim to keep myself trim?"

    Recently we asked BuzzFeed Community which Kath & Kim quote cracks them up every time. Here's what they had to say.

    1. That time Kath wanted a baby Jesus statue at her wedding.

    Submitted by Linley Gregory, Facebook

    2. And when Kim didn't really know how to pronounce 'chardonnay'.

    3. When Kath just wanted to stay looking foxy.

    4. When Kim had no time for people in her way.

    5. And when she had very high self-esteem.

    6. When Kim needed to reevaluate her knowledge of the food pyramid.

    7. When Sharon knew just how to celebrate.

    8. When Kim had her priorities in order.

    9. When Kath set her daughter straight.

    10. When Kim might have needed a spelling lesson.

    11. When Sharon just wanted a Billabong.

    12. When Kim delivered this sick burn...

    13. ...and this one.

    14. When Kath said this to Kim.

    15. When Pru and Trude were planning their holiday.

    16. And their discussion about jojoba.

    17. When Kim was a bit of a brand elitist.

    18. And finally, when Kel served up a good comeback for once.

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