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    26 Things You Probably Didn't Notice In "Jessica Jones"

    AKA Easter eggs.

    1. The series contains multiple references to the battle that took place in New York at the end of the first Avengers movie.

    2. And mostly documents a growing animosity between the public and heroes.

    3. The show gives us our first look at Luke Cage ahead of his own series coming to Netflix in 2016.

    Episode 1 "AKA Ladies Night"

    4. We also get a glimpse of him wearing his classic comic colours.

    Episode 1 "AKA Ladies Night"

    5. And even got to hear his old comic catchphrase.

    Episode 3 "AKA It's Called Whiskey"

    6. There are numerous visual references to Kilgrave's comic book alias the Purple Man, especially when it comes to the lighting in scenes that hint towards his presence.

    7. Not to mention all the purple outfits the character wears.

    8. And while never going fully purple, Kilgrave's veins briefly change colour when he's injected with the drugs to increase his powers.

    9. Now going by the name Trish, Trish's identity as the comic character Patsy Walker is hinted at pretty early on when a fan drops a comic.

    Episode 3 "AKA It's Called Whiskey"

    10. Speaking of Trish (aka Patsy) there are hints of her becoming the superhero Hellcat throughout, especially when she's seen taking Krav Maga lessons.

    Episode 2 "AKA Crush Syndrome"

    11. There's also strong foreshadowing of Simpson eventually becoming his comic counterpart Nuke.

    Episode 9 "AKA Sin Bin"

    12. Another character from the comics who makes an appearance, playing a different role as Luke's wife in the series, is Reva Connors.

    13. You may have caught some of the mentions of the Avengers, most notably when Luke refers to them as "The big green dude and his crew."

    Episode 3 "AKA It's Called Whiskey"

    14. Or when Jessica calls The Hulk "the big green guy" and Captain America "the flag waver."

    15. Not forgetting a kid seen running through a park dressed as Captain America.

    16. Oh, and like all Marvel screen adaptations there's a brief cameo by Stan Lee. The same photo of the Marvel legend seen on the police station walls in Daredevil can also be seen in Jessica Jones.

    Episode 7 "AKA Top Shelf Perverts"

    17. A newspaper headline mentioning the Union Allied corruption scandal, a plot point in Daredevil, can also be seen adorning the police station's walls.

    Episode 7 "AKA Top Shelf Perverts"

    18. If you have the subtitles on, when Jessica visits the hospital in episode 2 a couple of cops can be overheard asking about a "Wilson", possibly in regards to Daredevil's villain Wilson Fisk.

    Episode 2 "AKA Crush Syndrome"

    19. The hospital also happens to be Metro-General hospital, the hospital where Daredevil's go-to nurse Claire works.

    20. In the last episode of the series, Claire actually makes an appearance and helps out Jessica.

    21. And at one point she even offers to ask Daredevil for help, exciting viewers with the possibility of an early team up between the two.

    Episode 13 "AKA Smile"

    22. Another character who makes an appearance on both shows is Sgt. Brett Mahoney.

    Episode 7 "AKA Top Shelf Perverts"

    23. Comic book fans may have recognised the name Angela del Toro, aka White Tiger, who Jessica mentioned as another private investigator.

    Episode 6 "AKA You're a Winner!"

    24. We get another possible reference to a Marvel character, this time a villain, when a sign reading Matador – the name of a Daredevil villain – can briefly be seen in the background of a scene.

    Episode 1 "AKA Ladies Night"

    25. A newspaper being read by Simpson mentions Costa Verde, a fictional country in the Marvel universe, being under seize.

    26. And finally, the costume that Trish presents to Jessica in a flashback is an exact replica of the costume worn by Jessica in the comics during her crimefighting career as Jewel.

    Episode 5 "AKA The Sandwich Saved Me"