21 Struggles Every Desi Girl With A Brother Understands

    You may be super skinny, but to him you'll always be a 'moti football'.

    1. You are often asked if you can smell something after a deadly and silent fart has especially been released into the wild near you.

    2. Who could be responsible for the colossal alien turd in your bathroom?

    3. But feel fortunate if they don't go into detail about their pooping abilities because they're very eager to tell you those stories.

    4. No matter which South Asian language you speak, or what size you are, you are the word "fat" in it.

    5. Over their years of terrible fashion choices, you have always been asked "How do I look?"

    6. God forbid they get a haircut, because that means you will be asked an average of six questions a day about how it is looking.

    7. They are terrible at mimicking you but they never give up.

    Whatever, I don't look OR sound like that when I cry.

    8. They'll take any perfect chance to pull your ponytail, which means they never grow up ever.

    9. "Pissed off? Let me creepily smile the smile of the angels at you."

    10. "Working on something that requires full attention? Let me dance the dance of my tribe in your 6 feet radius."

    11. They always manage to emotionally blackmail you into keeping their secrets.

    12. Once in a while they will start talking about their problems with you, the session will not end.

    13. If you enter their room and they smile at you, you KNOW it's because they want you to make them chai/coffee.

    14. If they ever have to drop you somewhere, they put forth stupid conditions.

    15. If you have children, count on their maternal uncle to teach them to say stupid things for LOLs.

    16. They want to be introduced to every remotely pretty friend you have.

    17. And are sooo annoyingly well-mannered in front of them.

    18. But that handsome male friend you have? Yeah, they don't like them. No reason for it.

    19. And if you have more than one brother, then your struggle may be the realest.

    20. But once a year when Rakhi rolls around, you realise that some fart jokes and a piece of string are a small price to pay for eternal love and protection.

    21. And, at the end of the day, loving them isn't much of a struggle at all.