17 Times Disney Made You Drool Uncontrollably For Frikkin' Cartoon Food

    It surely can't be just me.

    1. When you wanted to steal this bowl of egg-bacony-soupy goodness from Mushu.

    2. When you headed to the fridge to get fruit because Abu made it look so important and yum.

    3. When you NEEDED pancakes because Donald showed his off.

    4. When Alice ate a piece of raw mushroom and it still looked appetising.

    5. When Remy ate cheese and a strawberry together and mmmmm-mm.

    6. When this wild display of nacho-eating happened in An Extremely Goofy Movie.

    7. When this plateful of spaghetti debuted for our hungry eyes.

    8. When Pooh ate honey like it was the most amazing food ever.

    9. When Rafiki made a melon look like the most delicious summer fruit ever.

    10. When you wanted to chew all of Belle's dancing desserts.

    11. When Donald's perfect turkey leg made your mouth water.

    12. When Stitch made you want to eat a snow cone JUST. LIKE. THIS.

    13. When Abu made a dry baguette look extremely scrumptious.

    14. When Meeko made you crave biscuits.

    15. When Tiana sprinkled her confectioneries with powdered sugar.

    16. When Gopher convinced you to always eat your fruits and veggies.

    17. And when Timon kind of convinced you to try bugs.