22 Signs Uday Chopra Is Scoring The Best Hash In India

    "Can we actually think about thinking and does that count as 2 thinks…or still just one?" - Uday Higher-Awareness Chopra

    Like most celebrities, Bollywood star and enlightened individual Uday Chopra is on Twitter. And there's more to his account than just an interesting bio.

    Uday's little epiphanies and thoughts on Twitter are the stuff of stoner films. Here are some of the times he subtly let us know he's scoring the best shit ever:

    1. When 10 became a part of the rainbow.

    2. When a decades-long psychological experiment produced this result.

    I have figured out why people aren’t happy. It’s cause they’re sad.

    3. When Philosoraptor got hold of Uday's phone and tweeted this.

    We do not seek the truth… We seek a beautiful lie that pretends to be the truth…

    4. When he put forth logical reasoning for his words:

    I want to be silent today thats why Im talking so much…

    5. When he was so high, dude practically started thinking about the mental health of arctic mammals.

    Is there such a thing as a bi-polar bear…and is he into both male and female bears or is he just a passive aggressive bear

    6. When this gorgeous parenting decision happened.

    If I have a son I will name him Hashtag. Hashtag Chopra, I like the sound of it or just #Chopra

    7. When Uday chilled with Dr Seuss and was inspired.

    I don’t believe in believing but I do believe in not believing

    8. When I don't even know what occurred here, to be quite honest.

    Answer: find the words in the Oxford dictionary and the actual word is the word before…put them together “I am completely crazy”

    9. When this question of utmost importance was raised.

    10. When he channelled Aristotle level realness.

    11. Twice.

    There are no good people. We are all capable of great evil. Yet, it is only great evil that causes us to be good…we need evil to be human.

    12. When the clock struck 4:20 and stopped working.

    Can we actually think about thinking and does that count as 2 thinks…or still just one?

    13. When the fattest sandwich he had that day was not the peanut butter kind.

    I think peanut butter should have its own country

    14. When he had a vision. Literally.

    Anyone know what resolution Life is running at…I’m thinking it’s definitely more than 4K

    15. When a strong wave of self-reflection hit him. In that moment, Uday was found...

    If I was an animal I’d probably be human

    16. When he rolled in the deep better than Adele.

    I have decided not to believe myself…that brings me to a conundrum. If I don’t believe myself then how can I decide not to believe myself

    17. When this observation happened and scientists ignored it. Their loss.

    Cashew nuts are not anywhere near the same thing as chips…just an observation

    18. When this coded excerpt from a future Dan Brown book was tweeted.

    1198…that’s the distance in miles, that my heart has travelled away from me

    19. When WHOA.

    Sometimes, it’s like, whoa! And like, I’m totally, you know…so I just go with it but it always ends up like, man! You know what I’m sayin

    20. When this delectable-sounding dish was introduced.

    21. When the English vocabulary was blessed with an adverb that sounds like a tropical hippo.

    I’m feeling quite gwatanabilinous today

    22. When this wishful thinking happened.

    I try my best not to make sense on Twitter, yet people seem to find the sense in me

    ~Keep being you, Uday Chopra.~