18 Hilarious Desi Vines That You Can't Help But Watch Over And Over

    Because you've always needed a Spiderman and Karan Johar mash-up.

    1. The most awkward part of attending Desi weddings.

    Fahim / Via vine.co

    2. This literally 'fly' ride most of us had as kids:

    Balraj Bhatia / Via vine.co

    3. This particular hijabi girl almost everyone has on her Facebook:

    TheMcBang / Via vine.co

    4. This efficient blocker of the fahkin' betchez.

    vine.co / Via Jus Reign

    5. An unfavourable answer to bae:

    Just Reign / Via vine.co

    6. ACs for Desis.

    Mandeep Kaur Shoker / Via vine.co

    7. This horrid realisation all Desi kids go through:

    Kunwar Dodd / Via vine.co

    8. When your parents ask for your phone:

    Mansi Parasher / Via vine.co

    9. This kid who is probably in the hospital after being beaten up.

    Mohammad Umar Khan / Via vine.co

    10. This accurate representation of desi dads.

    Amandeep / Via vine.co

    11. This truth about grandma's miraculous joint-pain recovery:

    Avtar Singh / Via vine.co

    12. When you can't hear mom because, well, she can't hear you.

    DEM_INDIAN_GURLZ / Via vine.co

    13. When desis leave a hotel room:

    RazVines / Via vine.co

    14. This perfect twist on K3G and Spider-Man:

    FeelingDesi / Via vine.co

    15. This perfect twist on hip-hop and folk Punjabi music:

    Josh Thind / Via vine.co

    16. A Punjabi twist on hip-hop really is the best thing ever and here's a Kanye vine to prove it:

    TeamHaych / Via vine.co

    17. But nothing has shit on Punjabi uncles breaking it down to a hip-hop beat:

    vine.co / Via http://Haseeb._.Ahmad

    18. And lastly, the greatest Desi family Vine on the internet:

    Anam Khan / Via vine.co