19 Shitty Halloween Costumes That Will Make You Say "What The Actual Fuck"

    "Well, that's my Halloween costume sorted" – You, after reading this.

    1. "Pubescent Frog of Silent War"

    2. "Creepy Cloth"

    3. "Sexy Mega Spice Box"

    4. "Mister Safety"

    5. "Sexy Potato"

    6. "Sexy Subordinate"

    7. "Energy Bill"

    8. "Sexy Ha1loween Whopper Green Poop"

    9. "Boy's Video Game Murderer"

    10. "Hashtag"

    11. "Sexy Ebola Containment Suit"

    12. "Smiley Poo"

    13. "Sexy Factory Worker"

    14. "Night Time Romeo"

    15. "Kiss Ass"

    16. "Lost Adult"

    17. "Deceased Hero"

    18. "The Rice Is Strange"

    19. And finally "Sexy Halloween Costume"