21 Secrets University Support Staff Won't Tell You

    Guess what? We don't like running information stalls any more than you like turning up to them.

    1. Spending most of your time with students makes you feel really old.

    2. But that doesn't stop you trying (and failing) to be "down with the kids".

    3. You have a special expression that you reserve for lecturers, tutors, and professors.

    The academic staff think they're gods despite the fact you actually do most of the work, help students stay happy, and make sure everyone gets paid.

    4. You spend every summer holiday catching up on "important work".

    5. And every time September rolls round, you feel like you understand the students even less.

    6. The first day of Freshers' Week always feels like riding into battle.

    7. And running student information stands is horrendously exhausting.

    8. At times, it's almost impossible to avoid saying the phrase, "Let me Google that for you."

    9. You hate handing out sexual health leaflets almost as much as students hate receiving them.

    10. Although after a while you become incredibly desensitised to condoms (no pun intended).

    11. You're secretly overjoyed whenever a student asks you what you study.

    12. It's soul destroying when you put on a great event for students and none of them show up.

    13. But the free food you end up with partially makes up for it.

    14. You spend hours trying to write engaging, attention-grabbing emails to students.

    15. You feel a bit jealous when you see students having fun outside your office during the daytime.

    16. But then you remember what living in student halls is actually like.

    17. You genuinely care (and worry) about the students you support.

    18. But you have no time for students who come to you asking for help at the very last minute.

    19. Or the ones who are overdramatic.

    20. Though you have to admit that students are also the best part of your job.

    21. And you miss them when they graduate.