20 Essential Life Hacks That Are Straight Out Of The 1990s

    TL: DR version: you can use Smash Hits stickers for pretty much anything.

    1. Can't afford Impulse body spray? Simply rub Crayola Magic Scent crayons under your arms.

    2. Save money on Pogs by writing 'Pog' on the cardboard circles from the bottom of Party Poppers.

    3. Convince your friends that you're a supercool raver by sticking strips of coloured tin foil to your trousers.

    4. Make your own night vision goggles by taping a Game Boy Light and magnifying screen to your face.

    5. Don't bother buying a clock: Channel 4 have a free one you can look at between 3am - 7am every day.

    6. Worried about losing your brand new cordless handset? Simply cover it in Smash Hits stickers.

    7. Smash Hits stickers are also a fantastic- and free- alternative to stick on earrings.

    8. Guys: recreate the icy cool 'frosted tips' hairstyle by ignoring your mother and going outside with wet hair.

    9. Girls: get the iconic 'Rachel from Friends' look for free by sticking your hair in a paper shredder.

    10. If you want to record The X Files but you've run out of tapes, use a stolen Blockbuster video instead.

    11. Fool friends into thinking you're wearing a Global Hypercolour shirt by dipping your hands in bleach and touching yourself.

    12. If your parents won't buy you some JNCO jeans, just stitch two bin bags together instead.

    13. Tired of accidentally lacerating yourself with your snap bracelet? Fizzy Astro Belts are a safer, cheaper and much more delicious alternative.

    14. Prevent your Discman from skipping by never moving.

    15. Worried someone will steal your Sega Game Gear? Disguise it as a Barcode Battler.

    16. As well as occasionally taking your eye out, Poppers can also be used to create fake love bites.

    17. Save hundreds of pounds of your parents' money each year by never calling the Nintendo Tips Hotline.

    18. Don't want people to read your diary? Simply hide it inside an empty Sliding Doors VHS case.

    19. Make your own alcopops by mixing mouthwash, MD 20:20 and Squeezits.

    20. Can't afford a Magic Eye poster? Simply take a photo of some TV static, stick it to your wall and tell everyone it's a dolphin.