11 Times Google Autocomplete Was Extremely Wrong About Scotland

    How dare you say that about Ayr, Google?

    1. Excuse us, Google, but Scots certainly aren't ugly.

    Just feast your eyes on this guy...

    ...and this ex-Doctor's assistant.

    2. Oh, so you think Glasgow sucks, do you?

    Well it's actually damn fine.

    And perfectly clean, thank you very much.

    3. Edinburgh is boring, you say?

    Guess you haven't heard of a little thing called the Edinburgh Festival?


    4. Stupid, Google? Hardly.

    This is Scottish scientist Alexander Graham Bell. He invented a minor thing called the telephone.

    And your Street View cars wouldn't get far without tarmac roads like these:

    5. Scottish food is bad, Google? Are you sure?

    Edinburgh has the highest number of Michelin starred restaurants of any city in the UK apart from London.

    While Glasgow is filled with amazing street food and burger restaurants.

    6. Apparently the Scottish Highlands are "cold".

    Not all the time, Google.

    We have summer too, you know.

    7. You think Edinburgh is dirty. Hmm.

    Well take a look at this:

    And our beaches aren't bad either.

    8. Aberdeen is a dump?

    O rly, Google?

    No, you're totally right: Who would want to live here?

    9. Dundee is a hole. Are you sure about that?

    It certainly doesn't look very hole-like here:

    Or here:

    10. Hey, Google: There's no need to get personal.

    Anyway, Ayr certainly isn't a dump.

    And neither is the surrounding coast.

    11. You might think Scotland is boring and cold, Google, but we just proved that isn't true.

    Well, ok, it can get a little bit cold occasionally...

    ...but who cares when winter is this beautiful?

    In short, Google, we've only got one thing to say to you: