21 Things You Thought Would Happen Automatically When You Got Older

    Weren't we supposed to wake up one day and suddenly start flossing?

    1. Adulthood was supposed to mean that you would suddenly look good and feel comfortable in grown up clothes.

    2. Some fundamental thing about you was supposed to change so that you stopped being late to shit.

    3. And that you would suddenly get really good at public speaking.

    4. And figure out how to meet new people.

    5. You thought you'd become a natural at keeping your toilet paper well-stocked.

    6. And at keeping a budget.

    That's what adults do. And now you are one. So why hasn't that happened?

    7. Adulthood was supposed to mean getting, and maintaining, a mature romantic relationship.

    8. And having good communication with that mature adult romantic partner.

    9. You thought growing up would lead to living somewhere that's actually habitable.

    10. And you would keep your habitable home clean.

    11. Or that you'd become good at job interviews.

    12. Wasn't there supposed to be an age when suddenly you were all about healthy eating?

    13. And weren't you supposed to start understanding, like, taxes and stuff?

    14. Getting older was supposed to mean you'd stop staying up insanely late.

    15. Or how about having a job? Adults always seemed to have jobs when you were a kid.

    16. You were supposed to start making your bed every morning.

    17. You wouldn't mind doing the washing up.

    18. And you would suddenly develop grown-up tastes.

    19. And you would gain a natural organisational ability.

    20. And you'd care about preparing for emergencies.

    21. Basically, weren't we all meant to become graceful mature human beings at 18?

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