31 Problems Every British Kid Faced On Seaside Holidays

    Why didn't anyone want to buy your painted seashells?

    1. The British seaside holiday was always fraught with peril.

    2. You faced terrible hazards at every turn.

    3. Seagulls were a constant threat, even to each other.

    4. And as soon as the seagulls settled down, the swans would start kicking off.

    5. The first day of your holiday would always look like this. So you'd just sit and stare silently out of the car window while the adults decided what to do.

    It's raining; its pouring ....... soggy Sunday at the seaside ... time for fish and chips me thinks

    6. But even on cloudy days, you'd still somehow get a horrible sunburn.

    7. None of your favourite toys could function in sand.

    8. The sea was a terrifying and confusing place.

    9. And no one took you seriously as a sandcastle artist.

    10. Other kids were always jerks.

    11. This is what your beach attire generally looked like.

    One of our team @mummydaddyme is in Scarborough for a few days. Got to love the British seaside when it rains! ;)

    12. Your parents wouldn't let you inside cafes like this one in Barmouth.

    13. Nor would they let you near the sweets you wanted.

    14. You thought these sandworms were cool until you stepped in one and it squidged just so.

    15. Every year you seemed to get less Flake for your 99p.

    16. The pain of a rocky beach could actually knock you off your feet.

    When we walked down Brighton beach n the rocks hurt so Lauren and I crawled back and Mouna just gave up n sat there❤️

    17. And if you stepped on one of these, it would haunt your nightmares for the rest of the year.

    18. Even worse than stones were these pointy shells, which could make it impossible to walk.

    19. But you would rather have stubbed toes and bleeding feet than wear shoes and socks on the beach.

    20. You would spend a whole afternoon painting seashells to look like this...

    21. ...but they would end up looking like this.

    22. In any case, the grown-ups would never let you keep the seashells that you spent all day collecting.

    23. You were repeatedly stabbed in the mouth by many an unexpected fishbone.

    24. And chips would somehow get soggy faster than they would further inland.

    25. You still carry psychological damage from creepy carnival rides.

    26. The fluorescent toys you won at in the carnival would break in a matter of hours.

    27. Getting trapped by the tide with your family was a constant fear.

    28. You lost many personal belongings to the beach.

    29. At the end of the day, there was nothing you could do to get the sand out of your hair.

    30. Coming home was always a bitter disappointment.

    31. And for years after your seaside holidays, your family continued to ridicule your past beach misery.