28 Very Important Questions We Have For Kim Kardashian's Nails

    CAN YOU LIVE?!?!

    About three weeks ago, Kim Kardashian swapped her apparently ~trademark~ short nails for these ones:

    1. How long does it take you to paint your nails?

    2. How often do you smudge your nails when you're waiting for them to dry but then have to go pick up North or post something on Instagram?

    3. Actually, how do you even use a phone?

    4. How many words can you text per minute?

    5. How do you see the screen when you are scrolling?

    6. Did you have to upgrade to the iPhone 6 Plus?

    7. Is Kanye scared you're going to poke one of his eyes out?

    8. Are you scared you're going to poke Kanye's eyes out?

    9. Are you concerned for the safety of your own eyes?

    10. Or North's eyes?

    11. Or anyone else's eyes for that matter?

    (Minus Rob, obvs. Zing!)

    12. How has your ~bathroom routine~ been affected?

    13. Like, how do you wipe yourself?

    14. What about picking your nose?

    15. Is it easier or harder?

    16. Have you used your new nails like tiny shovels in a zen garden?

    17. How do you button up your jeans?

    18. How do you zip up your fly?

    19. How do you unclasp your jewelry?

    20. It it tough pulling North's hair into a teeny tiny bun?

    21. Is it hard to put on socks?

    22. Or tie your shoelaces?

    23. Which is more time consuming now?

    24. What would you do if you dropped a bobby pin?

    25. How would you pick up a small coin off a smooth surface?

    26. How do you get your ID out of your wallet when you're getting it checked at the door?

    27. How do you safely scratch yourself?

    28. CAN YOU LIVE?!?!