11 Pie Charts That'll Speak To Every Australian Woman In Her Twenties

    As long as you've got papaw ointment with you at all times, everything's gonna be OK.

    1. The painful way every visit to Priceline ends:

    2. Things that happen when you're searching your room for a pair of tights:

    3. Things you're 100% positive papaw ointment can fix:

    4. Things you remember from your teenage years vs. what you have no recollection of:

    5. The realisation you may have been a little overexcited when certain stores came to Australia:

    6. The logic behind juice and smoothie prices:

    7. A helpful message to all those ~lovely~ catcallers:

    8. When you're living your best life:

    9. On times you're guaranteed to nail a reverse parellel park:

    10. What you imagined your twenties would be like when you were a teenager:

    11. And this perfect description of the way you order drinks after pay day vs. before pay day.