These Designer "My Little Pony" Toys Are Dressed Better Than All Of Us

    "Now darling, would you like the Kenzo or the Balmain?"

    Italian retailer LuisaViaRoma has joined forces with some of the best in the ~fashion world~ to create a range of limited edition My Little Pony plush toys.

    The very fancy ponies are being auctioned on eBay for Save The Children's Nepal earthquake appeal, and the prices are already pretty damn high.

    Basically, if your ultimate life goal is to own a Missoni pony (slash elephant???) you need to start pooling those funds immediately.

    Because who knows if you'll ever otherwise ever get to point at a toy and say: “It’s couture, darling”.

    You don't want to miss the chance to judge people whose stuffed ponies weren’t designed by Fendi, do you?

    Of course not! We can't possibly have that.