21 Things You Learn After Living In Sydney For Five Years

    "The apartment listing said two bedrooms, but it was actually a studio with a built-in wardrobe. Standard."

    1. Even a sprinkle of rain means you're definitely going to be late for work.

    2. And if you think there's even the slightest chance of rain, you've learnt to take an umbrella.

    3. Every time you move, you're always going to end up paying more rent – even if the sole purpose of your move was to find somewhere cheaper.

    4. Apartments are never, ever as spacious as they look online.

    5. There's no easier way to find the weirdest people in the city than to advertise a room-to-rent on Gumtree.

    6. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to get rid of all the cockroaches.

    7. The concept of saving has long been forgotten.

    8. The best way to catch up with a friend is to lock in a date at least a week in advance.

    9. Bondi Beach is very rarely worth it, unless you live there.

    10. There is very little point owning a car, unless you somehow score a house with a garage, or like being stuck in traffic and paying tolls.

    11. If you find the right deals, eating out can actually be cheaper than eating in, especially if you're shopping at a fancy local ~grocer~.

    12. Though you will find yourself surviving on a few key ingredients the week before each and every pay day.

    13. Sydney isn't actually that big.

    14. But people definitely judge each other by the suburb they live in.

    15. Because you still don't know half the suburbs in Sydney, and you're not sure anyone actually does.

    16. Even the taxi drivers will almost always ask you to give them directions.

    17. And they'll rarely apologise for getting lost.

    18. If you spend a night bar-hopping, you're going to regret all your life choices once you look at your bank account the next day.

    19. And you now know going out for breakfast will set you back around $25.

    20. Everyone in Sydney loves to complain about Sydney.

    21. But every time you see the Opera House or the Harbour Bridge, you're reminded of how bloody beautiful the city is – and how happy you are to call it home.

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