9 Tricks That Will Make Your Christmas Prawns Even More Enjoyable

    Warning: This post contains delightfully prawnographic content.

    1. To remove nasty ~prawn stank~ from your hands, wash them with cold water and a squeeze of lemon juice.

    2. If cold prawns freak you out, add some oil, garlic, lemon, and spices for a delicious addition to your Christmas Day barbecue.

    3. And if you do decide to barbecue, king prawns and farmed tiger prawns are best.

    4. Make the ultimate dipping sauce to compliment your perfectly barbecued beauties.

    5. When buying prawns ensure your new friends are fresh AF by checking the colour and smell.

    6. It might sound simple, but the best way to stop your prawns stinking out your fridge is to keep them in a sealed container.

    7. Instead of throwing your prawn heads and shells straight in the bin, keep them in the freezer until garbage collection day.

    8. Even better, make real use of your extra bits by making your own prawn oil.

    9. Double check the opening hours of your local fish market as some, like the Sydney Fish Market, are open right around the clock.

    Happy holidays, Australia. May your prawns be fresh and your fridge stay scentless.

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