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6 Majorly Frustrating Ripoffs

Even getting all the deals this Black Friday doesn’t make up for the times you have to sack up and shell out.

7 American “Footballers” To Follow For The World Cup

It’s time to join the rest of the world and get on board with soccer, even if it’s just for a few weeks. Team USA may not be favored to win, but we gotta show our boys some love... there’s no better way than an Insta follow. Duh.

My Mother Says: Mind Your Mobile Manners

We love our moms. They’re full of all sorts of advice we don’t follow (... only to realize they were right). In honor of Mother’s Day, Gazelle envisioned what our moms would say about all of the annoying habits of today’s youth with their cell phones:

These Animals Unimpressed You Are Recycling On Earth Day

Dearest Homo sapiens -- although we have been around longer than you, we know that having opposable thumbs means that you’ve been able to advance faster than we have. Since it seems harder and harder for you to remember where you came from (apes for the evolutionists out there, Adam and Eve for the creationists), thanks for reserving an ENTIRE DAY to do what you are supposed to and not treat the Earth like a free-for-all stomping ground. We are so proud. So. Proud. Seriously. Love, All the animals

The 10 Klutziest Cities In America

America, you are the land of the free, and home of the brave. You are also the land of klutzy people. Yup, we may have a lot of democratic liberties, but one thing we seem to be lacking is the ability to keep our electronic devices away from water, shredding devices, or six-foot deep pits. Without further ado, here are Gazelle’s 10 klutziest cities in the good ol’ US of A.

8 Batsh*t Crazy Ways People Have Broken Their Phones

Over at Gazelle, we’re into giving you dollar bills for your old devices -- even the broken ones. And, because we know that many a time, the story behind is your cracked screen / shattered case / water damage is as epic as the damage you’ve inflicted on it, we’ve asked our customers to test our theory and tell us their “best” stories of how they destroyed their device. Note: Stories have been slightly edited so we don’t look like Kindergarten drop outs.

Challenge: Can You Unplug For 24 Hours?

At sundown today, people around the world are going to take a step back to the dark ages, putting down their smartphones, tablets and computers for 24 hours (!!!). What is the cause of this madness, you ask? It’s all part of the 5th annual National Day of Unplugging, which is meant to remind you that the world is a beautiful place and SnapChat isn’t actually how people communicate. Not sure you can handle it? Here are ten reasons unplugging could be a good thing.

11 Reasons To Show Your Mailman/Mailwoman Some Love

Mail carriers have it tough. The government is always telling them they might lose their jobs, dogs seem to hate them, and they have to deal with your attitude after you’ve had to stand in line for 20 minutes to buy a stamp. But you know what? Your mailperson deserves your love -- not least of all because they’re the ones delivering your birthday cards full of money. Is this post random? You betcha, but here are 11 reasons to love on your mail carrier today:

Get Your Single On: 13 Ways To Break Up With Your Significant Other

If you’re single it can be hard to look past all of the candy, flowers and card nonsense that happens on Valentine’s Day. In fact, that’s why us single people look forward to Single’s Awareness Day (yes it’s a real thing), where we can embrace being single and treat ourselves to whatever our little hearts desire. So, for today, why not bask in the glory that you’re (hopefully) not being fed one of these lines:

Signs You're More In Love With Your Phone Than Your Girlfriend / Boyfriend

It’s that time of year when everyone is abuzz with flowers, candy and prepping for their best Lloyd Dobbler/Say Anything-like grandiose gestures of love. Yup, it’s Valentine’s Day (or the day that Hallmark single-handedly shames those who are unattached). Sure, we love our significant others BUT do we love our phone more? Track your responses to the following: