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    23 Ways To Subtly Tell The World You're A Cat Lady

    Hint that you're a fan of the feline.

    1. This sweatshirt with cute cat face elbow patches.

    2. These shoes, designed by the god that is Karl Lagerfeld.

    3. This cute, minimalist shirt.

    4. This subtle watch that can add a little splash of cat to any outfit.

    5. This little bag for your phone.

    6. This phone case, that you might have to look twice at to see the whiskers.

    7. This beanie, with a cat face on the turn up.

    8. Cat-themed nail stickers, so your claws can look as cute as theirs.

    9. These knickers that you'll know you're wearing even if no one else does.

    10. Drink you tea out of this adorable mug.

    11. This tasteful cushion will go perfectly with simple bedsheets.

    12. This rug will add a splash of colour and a splash of cat to any room.

    13. This phone case's little ears add some extra cute into your life.

    And the little paws round the front are pretty nice too. Get it here.

    14. Step out in style with this sleeping cat bath matt.

    15. These cat silhouette shelves will add an air of cool to your home.

    16. These cat-shaped salt and pepper shakers will make any dinner party a little bit more cute.

    17. This furry phone case.

    18. This origami cat pendant.

    19. These adorable ceramic earrings.

    20. These super delicate rings.

    21. This t-shirt with a pocket full of cats.

    22. These tights with little cat faces on the knees.

    23. This vest will show your infinite love for cats, without shouting about it.

    Or totally forget about being subtle and wear these cat-tastic leggings.

    Can’t get enough cats? Sign up for BuzzFeed’s “This Week in Cats” newsletter and you’ll get all the cutest kitty news every Friday!