19 Reasons Graduating From University Is Absolutely Terrifying

    Turns out they don't actually teach you how to be a functioning adult at university.

    1. Graduation is actually a ceremony welcoming you to adulthood.

    2. If you've managed to get yourself a job then you have to accept that you will never have another long summer ever again.

    3. This is literally it until retirement now.

    4. There doesn't seem to be any allocated napping time in the normal working day.

    5. You can't just skip work, like you skip lectures.

    6. If you don't have a job lined up you have to face the reality that you are officially unemployed.

    7. And that means you have to apply for jobs, which sucks.

    8. From now on going clubbing in the middle of the week is very impractical.

    9. And oven chips are not a food group anymore.

    10. Over the past three years you've got kind of used to all of your friends living in walking distance.

    11. Now your friends will be moving all round the country, and you might not know when you'll see them again.

    12. You've been doing exams every year for seven years, and now it's finally ended.

    13. Your next big milestone is probably either your wedding, or your thirtieth birthday.

    14. You get no more student loans.

    15. What the hell are you going to do with all that fancy dress you accumulated?

    16. You might have to move back in with your parents.

    17. Or you might have to move into an actual adult house.

    18. Suddenly you realise that your brain is full of useless knowledge you'll probably never use again.

    19. And on top of all of this, you have to try and not trip on the stage.